Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information for parents
Most children’s needs will be catered for by their class teacher. However, occasionally some children require extra support. This may be a general learning difficulty or one area of the curriculum. The school has rigorous procedures for tracking the pupils progress which aim to identify any special needs as early as possible and ensure the appropriate intervention and support follows. The special needs coordinator carries out assessments and advises and supports the class teacher in providing a programme of work which will give the child the support they need. Sometimes advice is sought from other agencies. Where extra support is necessary, parents and pupils are consulted. A full copy of the schools SEND policy can be obtained on request from the school office. The school is committed to providing for the needs of its most able pupils.
Download Local offer BSM 2020 here
Follow this link to access information, advice and support Staffordshire Parent Partnership
SEND Information Report to Parents can be accessed send-information-report
The school’s SEND policy can be accessed here
Follow this link to a PDF of the DFE Code of Practice SEN Code of Practice
We are a Dyslexia Friendly School and are here to help and support you and your child.
The following sites offer useful support and guidance if you have concerns about Dyslexia.
Our SENCO is Mrs Julie Picken who can be contacted at the school on 01538 300337