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Blackshaw Moor CofE First School


Blackshaw Moor CofE  First School, is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of  children and expects all Staff, Governors, Volunteers and Members of the wider community to share this commitment.

For full details of our safe guarding policy please see the POLICIES tab.

Our designated Safeguarding Lead person in school is Mrs Samantha Crawforth

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Person is  Mrs Julie Picken  

Our Safeguarding Governor is Samantha Banks

The School’s safeguarding arrangements cover all aspects of life at school, in particular addressing these issues:

  • health and safety;
  • child protection
  • child sexual exploitation;
  • bullying;
  • other harassment and discrimination, including racism;
  • Prevent – preventing extremism and radicalisation;
  • physical intervention;
  • meeting the needs of pupils with medical conditions;
  • provision of medical first aid;
  • off-site visits;
  • intimate care;
  • internet and communications safety;
  • physical security of the school site;
  • recruitment and vetting of staff and visitors to the site.


Please find below some useful links:-

NSPCC link

 Hate Crime Leaflet

Download here

Pants leaflet

Download here

What`s the problem guide

Download here

Staying safe on line

Download here

Prevent strategy

Download here

Ceop safety