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Blackshaw Moor CofE First School

School Day


School Opens  - 8:45am

Registration - 9.00am

Assembly - 9:10 9:25 am

Lunch Time  - 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Registration - 1.00pm

Home Time  - 3:30pm


School Meals

We are very proud of the quality of the school meals which are cooked on our premises. There are Four choices each day, a main hot meal or a sandwich option and every day there are jacket potatoes with beans and cheese, or Pasta Pots.  School meals are priced at £2.90 per day for children, with milk available at morning break for 20p per day (milk is free for nursery & reception children). Alternatively you may choose to provide a healthy packed lunch for your child.

Food and Drink

Blackshaw Moor School  discourages children from bringing in sweets and snacks for playtimes. Children in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage One receive free fruit at morning playtimes and children under 5 years receive free milk each day. Milk is available for older children at a cost of 20p per day. Hot snacks are available for children to purchase just before morning play and are 50p each.

Home-School Links

We believe that the best outcomes for pupils depend on the school working in close partnership with parents and carers. Half yearly curriculum newsletters are sent home in Key Stage 1 and 2 and in Foundation Stage detailing the topics or themes that the children are studying, information about visits and ways in which parents and carers can help their child at home. Parents are requested to encourage and assist their child’s progress by talking with them about activities and sharing books with them. Homework is a vital component of children’s educations as it is used to reinforce and extend the curriculum. We hope parents encourage children to complete homework on time and to a high standard. The type and amount of homework varies depending on the age of the pupils but may include activities such as reading, learning times tables and spellings, and completing maths and English activities.

All children will bring home a reading book with a reading diary for parents to sign and record progress when they hear their child read at home. Teachers use this book to liaise with parents about children’s progress.

Annual parents’ consultation meeting take place twice a year. 1 in the autumn term and 1 in the spring term during which the children’s progress is discussed. Parents can also arrange a consultation with teachers following receipt of the end of the year report.

Parents should inform school if their children is absent. 

If a child is absent due to illness, parents should contact school on the first morning of their absence before 9am.

Please try to arrange medical and dental appointments outside of the school day to minimise absence.

Parent and Toddler Group

The school strives to contribute to building a strong local community and hosts a weekly session for parents and toddlers. The group meets in the school hall on Thursday mornings and has a designated storage area in school for toys and equipment. New members of the group are very welcome.

Extra Curricular Activities

All extra activities are run through Superstars Kids Club.

We hold two concerts a year in which all pupils have opportunities to act and sing.

The school has strong links with the local church St Matthews Church, Meerbrook and pupils participate on a voluntary basis in important church services.

Our year 4 pupils take part in a three day residential visit to an outdoor education centre at Standon Bowers. There are topic based trips through the year and an end of year trip which is for children to have fun and experience places they may not have been to visit before.


We want all children to achieve to the best of their ability and believe this is more likely to happen if they feel happy and secure at school and are engaged in and enjoy their learning. As they progress through school, we aim for our children to exercise increasing self-control and discipline. We encourage pupils in a positive way by giving verbal praise and rewards such as merit stickers and certificates to recognise their achievements. We aim to create a friendly, well ordered and purposeful atmosphere at Blackshaw Moor School. We set clear and high expectations of behaviour. Rules and expectations are known and discussed with the children so that they are fully aware of the rewards and sanctions procedures. We ask that parents support us by reinforcing with their children the values and attitudes we wish they to develop, praising them when they have achieved well and working with our school when pupils need more support. Our children are taught that they have choices to make and that they are responsible for their own behaviour. They know that if they choose not to follow our code of conduct then sanctions will apply. If a child misbehaves persistently, the parents are invited in to discuss the problems with the head teacher.

Organisation and Pastoral Care

The school’s aim is to create a happy, welcoming and secure environment in which the young child can develop confidence and good learning habits, as well as understanding how to work with thought for other children and adults. Children are taught in mixed ability classes in the care of their own class teacher, who has responsibility for their education and welfare. Teachers have some help in the day to day running of their classroom from a teaching assistant.

Child Protection

Blackshaw Moor School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Parents can feel confident that careful procedures are in place to ensure that all staff and volunteers are suitable to work with children and staff have received appropriate child protection training.


You can find our E-safety policy by opening the parent tab and navigating to policies.

This is a useful link to follow to get up to date advice from internetmatters.org

We also use Hector’s World A child friendly site to teach the children about being safe on-line.