Quick Links

Quick Links

Blackshaw Moor CofE First School


You can find our E-safety policy by opening the parent tab and navigating to policies.

This is a useful link to follow to get up to date advice from


We also use Hector’s World A child friendly site to teach the children about being safe on-line.



Social media facts and advice – Social media guide for parents – Internet Matters

Guide to apps – Apps guide for parents | Internet Matters

App minimum age guide – What age can my child start social networking? – Internet Matters

Online gaming advice hub – Gaming Advice Hub – Internet Matters

Online safety leaflets and resources (includes information leaflets on screen time, online safety, digital resilience and cyberbullying) – Online Safety Leaflets & resources – Internet Matters

Make a report to CEOP – https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre

Online guides to support parents with e-safety and social media – E-safety Guides for Schools | National Online Safety

How can I keep my child safe online? – Top tips (net-aware.org.uk)

Staffordshire Police resources re Games and Apps

CCE advice for parents